Saturday, September 4, 2010

Science project

We had worked hard…very hard!! It had taken us many sleepless nights to prepare the science project. The motivation for all the hard work was the prize. An opportunity to represent the school in the state science exhibition competition!!

It all had started three months back…

It was my idea. After convincing Ratul and Prasad (which took a great deal of effort), we discussed it with Sophia miss (our class teacher). She had approved it after a few suggestions and we had set off on our ambitious journey.

The next few days were spent in purchasing stuff needed for the project. Thermocol, cardboard, chart paper, sketch pens, fevicol, etc… were stacked in the corner of Ratul’s room (Only Ratul had a whole room to himself…so it wasn’t difficult in choosing our workplace.) Individual responsibilities were assigned and we were off…

Two months down the line, the project was ready and we were also heavier by a few pounds (due to the delicious snacks prepared by Ratul’s mom for us :)). The finishing touches were made and the project was transported to our school science lab two days before the selection.

As we could make out, the only competition we had was from Madhyama’s group. They had a fantabulous project in place and it was going to be tough. The other projects were good too, but we were miles ahead and I had a feeling that all would depend on the demo. Extra efforts were made and we rehearsed our demo to perfection.

D-day arrived. Tension was in the air. Our crisp school shirts were drenched in sweat. The two judges arrived and we could literally hear our hearts beating loud and clear. Madhyama’s group delivered a stellar performance. The judges were all praises for them. We huddled in the corner and I told the others “Its now or never”.

Our demo went smooth and we answered all questions. It was over. The results were going to be announced in fifteen minutes.

We prayed. I begged God to let us win this one time.

The results were announced. We had lost by one point. This was the first time I had lost in life.It hurt bad..and I cried.

Sophia miss walked up to us and hugged us. She took me one corner and told me “In life you cannot win every time. There will be times when you will lose, but you must learn to accept defeat with a smiling face.” I didn’t stop crying but nodded my head (though I was clueless about what she meant.)

Today many many years later, I want to thank Sophia miss for teaching me one of life’s greatest truths. Thank you miss, I hope you are happy wherever you are.

Happy teacher’s day!

P.S: I miss those days when computers were not an integral part of life and a making a school project had nothing to with Google and the Internet.


Indrani said...

and I agree with the Post script of the story :)

Anonymous said...

I like that we have the internet to use.
It means that the quality of our work has the potential to be amazing because we have a whole world of information at our fingertips.