Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Now that the love is gone....

One of my good friends called me up today. I had just spoken to him around a week back. But in reality we hadnt caught up for around a year or so.
So last time when we had met he talked about being in a relationship with some girl. They were going around for quite some time and he was hoping to get married to her.
Well... today he told me that the girl's parents got her married to someone else 3 months back. Reason: Her parents didn't like the concept of inter-caste marriage... BS!!

My take on this:
1. Bad things always happen to good guys.
2. Ladies, if you dont have the guts to marry the person you love, dont fall in love at all!! Stay at home with mummy-papa.. Did you ask for their permission before falling in love?
3. Parents, stop playing safe using caste as a pretext.

Once anyone goes the distance in a relationship and unfortunately if things dont work out, its fuckin pure agony for the people involved. Anyone who has been unlucky in love knows how difficult it is to bury the past and move ahead in life.

For my friend who always says that he has no regrets...wish you all the best dude!! Life has something better in store for you...just dont give up yet!!

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