Wednesday, September 17, 2008


He was confused. It was worse than he had imagined. How could his life land up in such a tight spot? The solution to the problem he faced now would decide his fate.

He had broken up with the love of his life two years back. It had taken most of the two years to recuperate. It had been difficult, but where there is a will there is a way. He had disciplined himself to concentrate on other things in life. He had spent long hours in office on the weekdays. He had followed his hobbies on the weekends. He had kept himself occupied. Slowly but steadily he had come out of the depression that had resulted from the breakup.

Six months back, he had finally given in to his parent’s demands. He had agreed to an arranged marriage. The process had been initiated and his parents had started looking for a suitable match for him. Though his heart wasn’t into it, he had decided to approach this venture with full sincerity. Finally last month he had met the female he felt would be right for him. She wasn’t anything remotely close to his ex-girlfriend (Why the heck did he still compare???) But she was decent looking, from a good family and seemed intellectually equipped (much better than the last two females he had rejected.) Though he wasn’t sure, he had given his consent. The engagement date was fixed. The ceremony was now four days away.

It was just a week after his engagement when the unthinkable happened. He had fallen in love again. He had met her at a common friend’s party. They had connected together fantastically. Strangely he hadn’t compared her to his Ex. Within a week they were the best of friends. They had so much in common, that it would be a pity if he let her go from his life. Following his heart, he had proposed to her and she had agreed. He had to now break the news to his parents. He knew that this would come as a big blow to them. But in hearts of hearts he knew that they would give in. All they wanted was for him to be happy.

He had finally summoned up the courage to speak to them. The day before he was going to speak to them, life played another prank on him. His Ex had called up and asked him to meet her. She was in town and she wanted to meet him. He gave in too easily for reasons unknown even to himself. When they met that evening, the long lost memories came flooding back. Before he could update her on his life, she started talking about hers. She had started with how sorely she missed him and about how she had taken some wrong decisions in the past year. She explained to him that the failures she had faced on the personal and professional front had made her realize her mistakes. Finally she expressed her desire to get back together. He had somehow decided not to update her on his life and asked for some time.

So, here he was! All jumbled up! In a mess!

What would you do, if you were him?


FrostBite said...

get on with what is there now.....present.......a gift.....

Gautam Raisinghani said...

I would say - get on with the new love of his life.

The past will be very painful and I don't know if the feeling could / would be the same ? (I could be completely wrong here too)

pankaj said...

He's in love with a new girl in his life and he's happy. He is going to break his engagement for his new love.

He must tell her about the changes in his life in last two years. He must tell her that it took almost 2 years to forget or erase her memories; rather I would say, he was waiting for her that mush time and she did not turn up. He had to move on. He can not go on waiting forever. If she really loved him, she would understand what he went through.

Ultimate decision will be his decision, who he wants to be with, whom he'll be happy with.

I would say, new love.

Unknown said...

hey..hold on guys...everyone out here seems to be an anyone thinking abt the last girl who is going to get dumped??..she is at crossroads now..just kidding..i would say he should go with all the three...the more..the merrier!! hehehe ;)

kulashaker said...

Rightly mentioned, this guy is totally confused.
1> arranged marriage is out of question for him.
2> there is no harm going back to his Ex. But somewhere I feel she is a bit self-centred.
3> so the new love is the one he should stick to...start a new life and don’t fuck around again.

sudeep said...

They say man is a social animal. That means one should think of people around him and their happiness as well.
"Six months back, he had finally given in to his parent’s demands. " - He gave in after giving himself a chance in which he failed (at least at that point of time).
There are goods and bads in any system of marriage, be it love or an arranged one. He went into this self-acclaimed problem when he gave in.. Because now his parents are involved and for that matter their words (all this because he authorised them). And after engagement a whole lot of members of his fiancee's family and relatives. I believe one just cant throw all these people off ("He had fallen in love again." ). Might sound like bitten once shy twice, but thats the way I think.
He had played his dice once with her ex. and failed miserably, and yet again he moved into a new love life,that too, after being engaged ("They had so much in common, that it would be a pity if he let her go from his life. Following his heart, he had proposed to her and she had agreed." ). And there is his fiancee, who has started to dream about her new life with him... The crucial question not answered in the story is, whether or not he told his current love about his engagement. Because if he's told her and yet she came in, she'd taken a calculated risk of this relationship MIGHT not have a happy ending. If he has not, he has decieved her.
Yes, he made a mess of his life. Now he had to weigh amongst following options with the cost incurred thereupon:
a) To go with his Ex. (Ruining his relationship with current [here comes the point if he's told her or not], leaving his fiancee in the middle of the road for no fault of hers, and the Ex. had a notorious history) -- this might only satisfy him and to probably to his parents if things turn the way he expects to.
b) To go with the current (the ex. would be past, yet his first love. His fiancee would again be at the receiving end without no faults of hers)-- this might only satisfy him and to probably to his parents if things turn the way he expects to.
c) To go with her fiancee (Holding up the decision which has approval of a large number of people including himself at the first place)-- the two (or rather three loosers: ex, current and might be he himself).

But one cannot, for he himself been an idiot, can punish or let many people suffer because he is wearing his heart on his sleaves and throwing it around.

pankaj said...

If he choose Ex., he's very confused and he can not be in love with new girl in his life. After waiting for 2 years, i dont think he will choose Ex.

He has fallen in love, that means he is not in love with fiancee. It is just a compromise he's going to do by choosing her. He'll not be happy with her and in the end his wife will also suffer. So,by marrying his fiancee, he's making more lives miserable; his,her's and all those are related to them.

It will be better to take hatred of people before marriage than hurting so many people and making life hard, after?

Anyways, he was going to talk to his parents about his love and not getting engaged with the girl they chose for him and he's pretty confident that they would understand.

So, I believe the new girl will be the best option left for him?

sudeep said...

If the last comment by pankaj was related to mine, I would like to reiterate the story again:

Pamkaj said: "Anyways, he was going to talk to his parents about his love and not getting engaged with the girl they chose for him and he's pretty confident that they would understand."
Story says:
"It was just a week after his engagement when the unthinkable happened. He had fallen in love again. "

dreamcatcher said...

I kind of agree with Pankaj. The guy had already made up his mind to sidestep his fiancee. He was going to speak to his parents and go ahead and break the engagement.
If he had got married to his fiancee, they would have led a miserable life after marriage. Also quoting Sudeep "c) To go with her fiancee (Holding up the decision which has approval of a large number of people including himself at the first place)-- the two (or rather three loosers: ex, current and might be he himself).

Another point I would like to speak upon:
"But one cannot, for he himself been an idiot, can punish or let many people suffer because he is wearing his heart on his sleaves and throwing it around.

When love is at work, even the best of people act as idiots. logic fails when the heart rules. :)