Saturday, June 28, 2008


Till some years back I used to look forward to Sundays. In fact, I used to long for Sundays throughout the week. While in school, Sunday meant a fun day. You were free to do what you wanted. No school, no tuitions, no homework (if you were smart enough to complete that by Saturday itself). You could do what you wanted. My schedule used to be something like:

Saturday: All excited about Sunday. Every minute planned.
9:00 hrs wake up.
10:00 hrs get ready and have breakfast while watching the kids shows on TV.
10:30 hrs go down and call friends
11:00 hrs start playing cricket.
14:00 hrs Ignore mom calling for lunch
14:15 hrs Ignore mom calling for lunch
14:30 hrs Ignore mom calling for lunch
15:00 hrs Go home finally drenched in sweat (wowww..its been long since I enjoyed sweat)
15:01 hrs Mom ignoring you asking for lunch
15:15 hrs Finally having lunch and down again.
15:20 hrs Either play cards or chess under the comfort of the big coconut trees (except in rains. In the rains we used to shift our adda to the building entrance)
17:00 hrs Start playing cricket/football again
19:30 hrs Exhausted. Take a walk to the nearest grocery shop and have a cold drink or nimbu paani.
20:00 hrs Back to our adda and chit chat and gossip
21:00 hrs Come home and have dinner
21:30 hrs Catch some more TV.
22:00 hrs Look forward to the next Sunday and sleep peacefully.

Even now I look forward to Sundays. But it’s not a fun day anymore. It’s a day when I don’t have to go to office. The definition has changed. It’s a very important day and I try to make it count every time unsuccessfully. This is how:

Thursday What am I going to do on this Sunday? Unsuccessful plan 1.
Friday What am I going to do on this Sunday? Unsuccessful plan 2.
Saturday What am I going to do on this Sunday? Unsuccessful plan 3.
Sunday Oh my God! Its Sunday and still I don’t know what I am going to do today.
7:30 hrs Wake up and wonder why I woke up so early on a Sunday.
8:00 hrs Take the newspaper and scan it for the movie schedules on TV and the near by multiplexes.
8:30 hrs Make tea and breakfast for yourself.
9:30 hrs Try to inspire roommates to go for a movie.
10:30 hrs Decide to take a bath
11:30 hrs Decide to take a bath attempt 2
12:30 hrs Take a bath
13:30 hrs Start deciding on what to have for lunch
14:30 hrs have lunch
15:00 hrs Sleep (fitfully)
17:00 hrs Start deciding what is to be done in the evening
18:00 hrs maybe catch a movie or do some shit somewhere.
21:00 hrs Have dinner and come back home.
22:00 hrs Try to sleep.
23:00 hrs Take a vow that the next Sunday will be better before falling asleep.

How I miss my childhood Sundays!!!


Gautam Raisinghani said...

Aah Sundays - I miss them too. This post brought those memories flooding back. :)

Thanks buddy

Vaibhav said...

Very true.......:(

nb.. said...

brought back the childhood memories :)