Saturday, September 13, 2008

His search of happiness - 2

He crossed the tracks and made his way into the forest. The greenery enchanted him and the sweet smell of nature delighted him. He quickened his pace. The trees were dancing in the wind and the sunlight was peeping in through gaps between the leaves. It was as though a huge net was filtering the light. He could see flowers on some of the trees. Their colors were vibrant and they added cheerfulness to the whole scenery.

Soon he reached the banks of the small stream that he had seen from the train. The stream water was crystal clear and the he could see the rocks that lay beneath. The stream zigzagged and disappeared around a turn. For some time he walked along the banks of the stream soaking in the beauty. Then he chose a big rock and sat down. He folded up his pants and put his legs into the stream water. The water was chilly and he shivered for a while. In the same position he lay down on the rock and closed his eyes.

He then concentrated and tried to listen. The first sound that he could hear was of the gushing stream water. Beyond that he could hear the distant lapping sound of water hitting some of the rocks. A few minutes passed and he could hear the rustle of trees along with the sound of water. Combined together it seemed that earth and water seemed to be creating music. He could hear the birds chirping away happily providing vocals to this music. He concentrated harder and he could hear the wind joining in. The earth, the wind and the water were creating a melody in unison, which was beyond any music he had heard before. It was as if the wind was providing background vocals to this orchestra.

Some more time passed by. His sense of hearing was so acute now that he could hear a small sound near his ears beyond the music. The sound was growing steadily. He opened his eyes and turned his face towards the sound. He could see a small insect flying near his face. The flapping wings of the insect were making the sound he had heard. It was as if he was contributing to the whole music by flapping his wings. He closed his eyes and heard out the insect’s performance, which lasted for quite a while. He opened his eyes again and all he could see was the blue sky enveloping him.

This was happiness. Listening to silence and still be able to hear music.

Moral: Sometimes, to calm the frantic mind and to slow it down it is necessary to shift the focus from inner problems to the outer things. For happiness and for peace.

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