Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I experienced happiness today. It was good for a change. I had almost forgotten what it feels like. But the moment it hit me, it came back as a long lost friend.
I shall try and explain what I felt like during those few precious moments of happiness.

As soon as the good news came, my brain stopped functioning and my heart suddenly took control of my body. I will now prove this statement.
Before the good news came in, I was hoping that it would arrive, but my mind was also processing many other things like “what reply would be suitable for this official mail? Man, the stock market is still in red!! Why am I still feeling hungry though I just had breakfast?? What will I do if the news is not positive?”
Bang!!! Sannata as one would describe in hindi. A sudden switch of source to the UPS when the main power is cut off!! The blood which my heart had just pumped ran out warming my body and spreading the message to the other colder parts!!

What happened next was also quite fascinating. A strong force pulled my cheeks and made me smile (even though I didn’t intend to). My computer screen started looking more colorful and my usually irritating cubicle partner in office suddenly seemed like an angel. My life suddenly wasn’t as bad as it seemed. In fact, my life seemed beautiful. No images of the past!! No illusions of the future!! I was enjoying the present.

I tried to get up and walk around, but my legs failed me. I tried to speak, but words failed me too. I decided to silently stay where I was, but it wasn’t possible to curb the feeling. I needed to share this with someone fast!!
I did share it and that is when the feeling reached its pinnacle. It is rightly said that joy increases on sharing!!

Then suddenly the main power came on and the UPS was knocked out. It was again an ordinary world with usual thoughts and worries. “Why haven’t I replied to the mail yet?”

I am rarely devoid of worries related to me, my work, my family, my country, my future, my past, my bills, etc. Hence I shall always cherish those moments because I was enjoying myself in the present and nothing else. That is what happiness does to you. Everything else ceases to exist when it is around!!

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