Monday, July 14, 2008


I should have written this post earlier. Music is something really special to me.

Like most people I love music. Any kind of music which is good to the ears gets me going. I believe that music has the power to inspire, elevate, soothe, calm, pacify, seduce, encourage, discourage, please, upset, destroy, unite, divide, and much more. I have always enjoyed music in my good times and also resorted to music in my bad times as a fallback companion. There is always a song for every mood. Isn’t this strange? Imagine the vastness!!

I have always wanted to understand music and learn to play at least one musical instrument. I tried my hand at playing the guitar when I was in college. But I was too lazy and too naive. I tried to by heart the chords and didn’t devote enough time in practicing. Had I put an effort to understand music, I would have been a different person now.

This is because I feel that if one can understand music, he can enjoy it better. I want to enjoy music better. I really do!

Maybe if I get another chance to understand music, I won’t let it go so easily. No no no…. not so easy.

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