Friday, July 4, 2008

New beginning

After a gap of almost 18 months, I have decided to start my life all over again.
The last time I did it, God didn’t like it. Hopefully I will get through with it this time.
I am not doing this by choice, though the decision is mine. It is not common that hope gets killed. The hope that your life hung upon.
Currently I am in a hole. It was dug by us to plant a tree. Now its too deep to plant the tree in. But a few more inches in and it ll be deep enough to bury me.
So, I seek a new beginning. I do not know where I will reach. I do not know what awaits for me outside, I am not bothered by that. My current goal is to get out of this big hole I have gotten myself into. It is not going to be easy for me, but I will give my best and try not to slip from this path. The temptation of turning back will always be in the way and try to pull me back into the hole. It was a great feeling to imagine the hole as your world. But it is time to set things right. For myself.
I am weaker than what I used to be, but wiser. I am banking on this fact. I hope I am right. A new hope to hang my life on.
This is the moment. This is me. A new me.

1 comment:

pankaj said...

if im not wrong, u r doin pretty good ,
may be not as u used to do but still good...

i believe everyone needs to change little bit after certain period of time,thats life...

may be some1 will look for u as an example in life

i wud say,keep it up...